#BrandonSanderson: In case you haven’t caught on yet…

Brandon Sanderson
Illustration by Timothy Banks

Brandon Sanderson writes great books.

Plus, he does an amazing job of keeping fans like me up to date on his projects, what his next projects are, when we can expect new stuff, and when we can expect the next installment of our favorite series.

Each year on his birthday (Dec 19th) he writes a blog post called “State of the Sanderson” that  summarizes the last year and gives a timeline of what’s to come.  State of the Sanderson 2016 was posted last week, so I thought I’d share it here so you can discover the coolness too.

State of the Sanderson 2016

And here’s some more if you’re interested…

State of the Sanderson 2015

State of the Sanderson 2014

State of the Sanderson 2013

Start with Mistborn if you haven’t met Brandon Sanderson yet.

Happy Reading!

11 responses to “#BrandonSanderson: In case you haven’t caught on yet…”

  1. I think I read State of the Sanderson 2015 and decided that he has a crazy busy writing schedule. I mean, he has books planned out to 2020 with at least 5 different series/story arcs! I’d like to know who helps him organize his projects and timelines–and if he does it all himself, what program he uses, because I’m forever trying to figure out how to organize my own timelines by coming up with various different organizing spreadsheets that don’t work.

    Anyway, Sanderson is easily one of my favorite authors. Thank you for sharing these links!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m always looking forward to those! Would have loved to get the second Rithmatist novel sooner, but I am super happy with Oathbringer and can’t wait to get to the last book in the Wax & Wayne series.

    Anyways… Who am I kidding.. I read everything he publishes, even if it’s a grocery list 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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